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Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Yearly Archives: 2003

Command and Conquer Generals

Not a bad game I say, starting the campaign missions, hope can finish it by the week.. lol! *Carrys on playing game* Wishing all muslims out...

Pre-enlistment blues.. umm fun

Yea, there will always come a time in Singapore where there guys kinda "leave" society for national service. My time is almost here, 18th...

Pizza at home

Here I am typing this post in a room filled with only a strong smell of pizza and nothing else, tried turing off the...

Dumb Internet connection

My ADSL connection had been screwing up lately, dunno what singnet, my ISP is up to now, always experience sudden unresponsiveness to the network,...

The Net

Channel I just screened the movie, "The Net", though quite an old show (1995) it is really a very interesting one depicting what can...

Day at funan, new printer

Woot!, jus came back from some extra shopping today, got the Canon S520 photo printer at last from PK computers funan the IT mall....

STS107 Columbia tragedy

Since the last shuttle disaster Challenger, Columbia's one too is indeed a very tragic end. My prayers to the families of the astronauts Rick D,...

New Coaster at Cedar Point dudes!

Behold, the next world's tallest and fastest roller coaster in the world, set to have a 2003 debut, it sure rocks baby- 0 to194...


*counts angbao money while typing this post* keke *grins* Have a good year ahead!

Happy Chinese New Year

Happy Chinese New Year to all, its the 1st of Feb!

Gong Xi Fa Cai

Happy Chinese New Year to all Chinese people and those celebrating it alike 😉 Enjoy your reunion dinner tonight Cheers

Afternoon shopping

Just came from from some "afternoon shopping" lolz. Dropped by funan to preorder command and conquer generals at the software boutique, funan. It will...

Major site bug with netscape browsers

The screen autosize feature don't seem to work on netscape browsers, but only on internet explorer, making the site totally inaccessible. Will be fixing...

Another BYOPC Lan Party

Well, heres another lan party, a possible good "warm-up" before the March's Singapore Frag Fest 03. It is organised by cjc81 through superpet forums,...

Techno Updates

Sony officials said the company will quietly phase out all of its 17-inch and 19-inch CRT monitors by March 31, part of the industry's...

Borging Video!

Started browsing through intervideo's winproducer "getting started" file and I say, I will be trying my hands finally at DV editing quite soon. (...

Well, its a nice sunny sunday, unlike the last few, wet ones.. lolz

Anyway, Big Thanks all going out to those who sent in chinese new year greetings, from friends, relatives alike, in paper (physically) and digitally....

Sleep deprivation

Well, this is one of the days where I get to wake up so early in the mornings... Yea gotta appreciate the mornings. Slept...

Education scene

Had the SAT I reasoning test this morning.. and yup, it was relatively easy compared to the last time I took it. Didn't studied...

MTV asia awards

Well, the MTV asia awards is on tomorrow. Good for those who managed to get hold of the tickets through those endless begging and...

Singapore Frag Fest ’03

Ok guys, here comes some good stuffs, the Singapore Frag Fest '03.Here are the details, courtesy of Mr t3mp3st, our networking Guru.March 21st -...

Boring day

Its a boring day today, spent most of my day in singnet counter-strike servers, met some of my usual "cs" buddies there. Also updated...

Shout People!

Lookie left! O_o a shoutbox! yea that a new edtion to the site, feel free to SHOUT anytime you want on the site, you...

CS 1.6 Out

Counter strike 1.6 Beta is out already, but heck! the downloads are all put off in the official sites due to overwhelming bandwidth demand....

Superpet hardware BBQ gathering

Lolz, the photos of yesterday's superpet hardware BBQ gathering are up!, check out Superpet's Website for some of them.

Code up & running

Finally! got the news section code and comments system settled, reset it and cleared all previous entries. Thanks to GamerZ pointing out the problem...

DSO labs assessment

Jus came back from the *test* early this morning. It some DSO labs assessment thingy @ science park- to determine whether you will be...

Site up & functional

The site's pretty well much up and running already. Dude, did the tons of php coding on the blog entry and comments section- sure...

Design Version 10 up!

Ok, as promised, V10.0 is up dudes! feel free to romp around the site. In the meantime, I have to adjust some pages to...

Me? Linksys winner?

Lolz, won in some little Linksys lucky draw, me puzzles of how I entered.. then, yea must be danged router I've brought from them...

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