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Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeTechnologyGadgetsMe? Linksys winner?

Me? Linksys winner?

Lolz, won in some little Linksys lucky draw, me puzzles of how I entered.. then, yea must be danged router I’ve brought from them last year… hehheh.. got the 10th prize linksys gift pack.. *duh* check out this link, and yea my name’s there too. When you come to think about it, in the whole of Singapore, mmm, out how many people who brought linksys products, about 80 ppl won…MMmmm..
dang! mind my babbling! cos I am thinking bout the math involved and the probalblity of winning.. *DUH again* sips coffee to get me going.. well, its just lucky me…

Ok, on the site. I have the lastest design finalised tomorrow, noon (the time which I normally wake up in mornings) the colour scheme you see here (yellow, black) is a small preview to what you can expect tomorrow. In the mean time, take time to appreciate ver 9.0, cos v10.0 is here to RULE.

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