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NTU Surf n sweat 2008

Event: NTU Surf & Sweat 2008 Event Date: 3rd Fen 2008 Organiser: NTU Sports club Venue: Tanjong Beach Sentosa Events All participants must be above 16 years of age. Main Event: Surf and Run Biathlon (400M surf on surfboard and 4km run) Open Categories Men's Open $15 Women's Open $15 Mixed Open $22 (1 Male surf or Run + 1 Female surf or Run)Team Categories Men's Doubles $22 Women's Open $22 Lover's Challenge...

National Vertical Marathon 2008 (Republic Plaza)

The thing which makes this year's event better than the last is the new “A” maze side event. The organizing committee reassures that the national vertical marathon 2008 will be a completely different and unique event to that of the 2007 event organised similarly at republic plaza in last year’s vertical marathon. Event: National Vertical Marathon 2008 (Republic...

Maju IPPT on the 2nd day of 2008

Cleared my 2007 IPPT window period today. Glad I didn't get that pass with incentive like what I've got my previous year. Not that I've actually taken IPPT at other camps or even the Safra gyms, but I come to appreciate the route at Maju as well. I always like doing my IPPT in there, the running route there...

Alexendra Park Connector Queenstown Extension

It's Christmas Day and what better way to celebrate it but a short run on a Christmas afternoon prior to all your celebrations later in the night? I was happen to be visiting again the new extension of my favorite Alexandra park connector route, now extending all the way from River valley to Queenstown. Though spanning a short 1.39km...

Inaugural Lion City Marathon 2008

Here we have it, the 2nd official international marathon in Singapore for the 2008 season. Part of the Uniquely Singapore experience starting from the city to the west north up to Mandai. From what I see, the run will be rather scenic and cooling around the water catchment areas (mandai) so be prepared for a rather nice run away...

SunDown Night Marathon 2008

Behold Singapore's first marathon for the 2008 season! And looks like Formula 1 is not the only one racing at night for now! The route will take on the spanking new East-North park connectors with 42km under the belt in one loop (hint hint) and 2 loops for the 84km ultra marathon. It had been time that we get a...

2007 coming to an end, hello 2008, fyp rush

Guess I just caught the Christmas bug a little earlier than usual, nevertheless Merry early Christmas greetings everyone! it's the season to be merry now with greetings and a happy new year to come! It's all parties, Christmas gifts, cards and the spirit of giving now. Man do I love this time of the year... I believe it's also the...

Rain and cooling runs

Well the rain had been continuously pouring down these days, the weather is great but dampened are always my planned runs in the evening, which always so coincidentally pours around my usual 5-6pm running periods. The mornings though are much drier and pretty much cooler as well, only that I have have to be in school at that time...

The days after the marathon

Was around the esplanade area yesterday, I never thought that I would myself back at the hot spot so soon as I was very much recovered and walking around normally. The area was left very much in the shadow of the big event the day before, with barricades still lined all round the roads, alone excavator doing roadworks in...

Standard Chartered Marathon (SCM) 2007 Post Race Report

Update! - Race results are out! (select your category from the link) - Marathon Photos (coming soon) The Standard Chartered Marathon (SCM) was on this morning and this year's race is no exception, considering the last race for the season with Stand Chartered as the title sponsor. You can't deny that 42km is not an easy feat but that didn't stop a...

Tomorrow – Singapore Marathon! (My Marathon Plans)

Tomorrow is the big day for all running the event held at the all prominent Padang and Esplanade. Let it be another finish in your pocket or a first for many as well, this year's race will be hopefully be better and more memorable (in a positive manner) considering it's Stand Chart last official year of the season as...

Running with the sore throat that won’t run away!

Had not been running alot for the past one week, as I wanted to fully recover from my minor sore throat that had been irritating me for days. It's not exactly serious, a very mild one in fact which I can completely mask with fisherman's friend or woods cough drops, but its just simply bugging me and won't go...

Standard Chartered Marathon (SCM) 2007 rackpack collection and items

Collected my Standard Chartered Marathon (SCM) race pack today, as usual for every year, collection is fast and a breeze, hardly took 10mins to collect my bag which included custom items such as my race bib + champion chip and singlet of my size choice in as well. Just like every year, I collected my pack without any race...

Swissotel Vertical Marathon Post Race Report

Swissotel Vertical Marathon Post Race Report The annual Swissotel Vertical marathon was held this morning and the race was great and well organised just like every year. Unlike open flat races, vertical marathons are definitely one which also caters to a niche group of sports enthusiasts, so the smaller event size and given strict registration cap from the organizers will...

Found the case to my runner’s diarrhea (Runner’s trot)

No that's not a picture of me shitting in my pants, but had abit of the runner's trot yesterday (therefore the article in my previous blog entry). Now I finally come to realize that my previous past sudden flatulence and diarrhea problems which strangely always comes and go occasionally or every 3 months or so, was due to the...

Runner’s Trots (loose stools or diarrhea after a long run)

With alot more people being ore active these days and considering that most Asians, particularly Singaporeans have a high percentage of people with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), this bowel related problem might be of particular interest. Ever went for a long run only to find lots of flatulence thereafter? Or worse, a strong urge to visit the toilet quite occasionally?...

Next week – FYP week 7. Heads up for year end marathon

It's raining cats and dogs here now in southern Singapore. Got about some coding for a portal together with finishing up some other miscellaneous flash presentation for another client, been busy even in the weekends. Tomorrow is Monday already, and week 7 (halfway mark) of our final project semester. Time do pass very fast! The evening run today is very...

Best way to evade credit card cold calls, Collected Swissotel VM goodie bag

Got quite a few calls from few reputable banks over the last week asking to apply for their credit and platinum credit cards. Do not know where do they get my contacts from. But I always have the heck of getting such calls and most people would usually simply slam down on them. For me, knowing that these poor...

New Balance Realrun (NBRR) 2007 Runner’s Post-race Comments

The New Balance real run 2007 had just ended and this puts one more race this year being held in the East (and so to the dismay of my people living in the west but to the joy for those in the east). It's so given the usual centralised Realrun event venue (gateway carpark in Sentosa) being permanently closed...

New Balance Realrun Pre-race

With IVP over, it all looks straight for the New balance realrun tomorrow morning. There will be full road closure from Tanah Merah Coast Road to Airport Logistic Park from 7am - 10am. Despite it's remote location, at least the organizer offered paid bus services and free shuttle buses from Pasir-Ris for those not commuting by private transport. The...

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