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Saturday, July 27, 2024


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Singapore Blog Awards 2008 Winner – Best design and popular choice winner!

The Singapore Blog Awards prize presentation was on tonight. Held within the private confines of the Asian civilization museum, the place is one nice neat fortress which I always zip by, but never had the opportunity to explore, till tonight. Upon reaching there, a marshal, well, all decked in the Omy's iconic colour of pink, directed us bloggers up...

Nafa Design & Media Graduation Show 2008 Exhibition

Last Thursday was Design & Media Graduation Show 2008 held in the evening at the NAFA Campus 1, Gallery 3. Showcased are various final year productions by the graduating cohort of NAFA in the multimedia course. As stated in their rather provocative invitation leaflet- "The graduation show aim to engage visitors to ponder and wonder over 200 visual delights...

Singapore Heart Foundatin Go Red Day at Yew Tee

Heart disease and stroke is the world's number one killer among women claiming the lives of more women each year than any other disease. Heart disease and stroke claims the lives of 8 times more women than breast cancer In Singapore, 1 in 3 women die from heart disease and stroke. Many women are still unaware of the extent...

Carnival of Opportunities at Henderson Secondary

Today is the MCYS carnival of opportunities event day held at Henderson Secondary itself. It consisted of an array of events held in a big tent pitched right in the middle of the school field. Inside was an array of game stores (dart, mini basket ball, typical carnival games), self help booths (such as recycled paper weaving, St John,...

Nuffnang bloggers gathering and founding of SPI!

Founding of SPI! It is not the Singapore Paranormal Investigators but rather Nuffnang's first and newly formed blogger community group. After our half an hour screening 29 August, our remaining event for the day includes a fellow bloggers makan session thereafter at Coffee Express courtesy of Ming (Thanks MING!) located near Orchard Building (Planet Fitness). Over coffee and tidbits, we...

Open your heart for AIDS/HIV patients, 4titude’s August 29

Yesterday evening we got the exclusive first hand screening of 4titude production's "August 29" in Cathay Cineleisure's mini private theater. The 30 minute video is largely made by the aim to raise AIDS awareness in Singapore and brought forward by stories from the personal experiences the actors came to know as well, all made possible by Health Promotion Board...

Upcoming flag days for March till early April

Do your bid for charity, here are some charity events coming up for the rest of the month so do volunteer for a good cause as well. I will most probably be going for those listed here, so do bug me if you are interested! SP community service regulars, please bug me through my mobile for more details, especially...

Singapore Toy and Comic Convention (STCC)

Singapore Toy and Comic Con is here! (STCC) will be the first of its kind in Southeast Asia. The convention, modelled after San Diego Comics Convention and the Tokyo Game Show, is organised by Play Imaginative - the people behind the conceived in Singapore urban vinyl series “Trexi“. The three day event, from 27 to 28 June, will be held...

Singapore Changi T3 Airport (Terminal 3) – Skytrain, Immigration & Arrival Hall

:: Singapore Changi T3 Airport Report Page 3/3 Gate holding rooms A380 aerobridges come ready with a third arm to facilitate boarding and disembarking of both levels of the jumbo craft a the same time. There are even paired gated hold rooms with mezzanine levels in some of them. The passenger holding area, though vast, leads to 4 B independent gates in...

Singapore Changi T3 Airport (Terminal 3) – Skylights, Departure & Transit Hall

:: Singapore Changi T3 Airport Report Page 2/3 Departure Hall & Skylights You will be greeted by sunlight upon entering the 2nd floor departure hall area, which the benchmark set by Japan on their "floating airport", this is no exception given the favorable sunny conditions of Singapore. Scale model of whole terminal The computerised skylight system The emigration counters The terminal upper levels are...

Firsthand experience of Singapore Changi Airport Terminal 3 (CAAS T3) – Layout, Subway & Getting Around

Got a firsthand experience of Terminal 3 today before the scheduled grand opening on 9th Jan 2008. Went around with a guided tour courtesy of CAAS staff not only covering the general public accessible area, but the restricted departure and immigration areas as well. For those who want to see and know more about the 1.75 billion dollar facility...

Old Traditions that Adapts – Riverside Mid Autumn Festival

In the light of the Mid Autumn festival going on now, noticeably would be the array of nicely made lights and translucent lantern display on along Chinatown and the Singapore river by the River Walk (specifically opposite the Clark Quay on the Central Shopping Center side). Personally in the light of the rather high standards and taste we people...

SPH’s omy (www.omy.sg MMS 75858) Trade Launch Party at Clark Quay

The Omy.sg launch party was on tonight and shaunchng.com was in on a trade invitation. So what else can we do on a holiday but PARTY? Held at Clarke Quay's outdoor atrium where the fountains are we see a fusion of fellow bloggers together with corporate guests all gathering to witness the sneak preview and soft launch of the...

Blogger.SG – Yawn?

Thats the news on the Sunday times today, boring? It's kinda contrasting in reference to my experience there. Well, maybe the crowded is not that big, say 200-250? but if it were any larger & I think we gonna need a bigger place... Anyway, the article hardly even covers anything from the con at all. Furthermore the blog awards...

Bloggers.SG photo update

Today saw a day at Blogger's.SG, the first ever blog convention held in Singapore, in a club too! Overall, the con was great & I guess we have the organisers Tomorrow.sg to thank, not to mention mrbrown & this evil minions. Though the place was kinda cramped, I guess its overall better than hosting it at woodlands.. where its...

Bloggers.SG T-Shirt Design

The Singapore Bloggers convention, to be held this year 16th july needed a T-shirt design, the they opened a small competition for design. So being a usual kind soul I got started on it immediately after reading about it today. Design explanation: The design is meant to go on a white shirt. There are 2 logos for the shirt, one...

More force updates

light saber mr brown starwars

I am 21! (birthday update)

Ahha I am 21 already. It had been a very busy week & I guess this is gonna be one of the very memorable birthdays ever, even better than my 18th birthday celebration. I always remember always being asked this question by friends many times, many years back on "what am I gonna do when I turn 21" back...

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