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HomeBlogArmyThose were the Army days (& Compiled achievement list!)

Those were the Army days (& Compiled achievement list!)

John booby!

I’ve always wanted to type in a entry closing my period served in the army with a concluding post of my time there. Finally found the time to get this done.

Overall, alot of people always enter the army feeling down of tough times ahead & so. But personally, the army is actually not as bad as it is thought to be by many, including me. I expected super ultra training the moment I stepped into BMT. But instead, training is rather managable, way below the “super ultra training I’ve expected” You can say I was “happy disappointed” as I was actually prepared for a “hell week” or such. As the SAF practice progressive training, yes training actually gets harder as you progress, but so as your fitness so its a very smooth transition to greater intensity training & before you know it you can run 1/2 marathon non-stop, take part in relays or easily get 10mins+- for a 2.4km run. Things I’ve never thought I could do before I’ve enlisted. Further training went on to prep me for my military profession which includes 40-60km foot topographic missions in full battle order, back-to-back reconnaissance missions lasting one full week (allowing us to effectively lose about 3-5kg at the end of the day.. whee!).

It is also in the army where we cultivate habits we never thought any civilized person out there would do like sitting, flopping or lying on the dirt to relax, bashing through forests without hesitation, eat, sleep or do our business in the jungle, despite being sweat soaked to the underwear & beyond, with camo all over. Even in the dirtiest, stinkiest sweatiest conditions, we can just fall asleep instantly in the wilderness on command, its a way of life- army life.

Though many asked me about staying/signing on in the army, maybe I would only even consider if I am an officer, where pay is a very attractive thing. Otherwise as a specialist, I find not point besides able to earn approx $2.1k basic starting pay with free medical & food provided, not to mention for a trooper. Furthermore my area of expertise & comparative advantage in terms of skills I can contribute to society lies outside the barbed-wire laid fences of the army. Such as the market for designing & engineering where more opportunities & challenges lie.

Recalling my relatively short 2years 4mths in the army, heres a quite detailed list I’ve compiled on my service to the nation. Memories, memories…

“Check below link for a complete list of my personal memorable events, achievements & stuffs in the army.

Trained weapon platforms:

  1. 5.56mm M16 assault rifle
  2. 40mm M203 Grenade Launcher
  3. SAF/Colt 5.56mm CARBINE (My standard weapon)
  4. STK 5.56mm SAR 21
  5. 5.56mm SAW Light Machine Gun
  6. 7.62mm FN MAG GP Machine Gun
  7. C.I.S 40mm Automatic Grenade Launcher
  8. C.I.S 0.5 Cal Heavy Machine Gun
  9. SAF Light Anti-Tank weapon
  10. 84mm RR Medium Anti-Tank weapon
  11. Fragmentation Grenade
  12. Smoke Grenade
  13. Non-electric thunderflash

Courses attended:

  1. BMT Foxtrot Coy (Tekong)
  2. Sispec BSLC Echo Coy (Tekong)
  3. Posted to Sungei Gudong Camp (Mainland)
  4. Class 2B Bike course (SDC)
  5. Recce Commander Course (RCC) at PLC
  6. Armoured Scout Platoon Course (ASPC)
  7. Arty Forward Observer course
  8. Medic (& CPR) course, recieved CPR certification
  9. Life Heli-Task (BELL UH-1)
  10. Wits leader course (PSB)


  1. Basic (BMT) Range – Marksman
  2. BMT Games day, Best School Banner Award
  3. RCC – Top 10 in course
  4. ASPC – Best Tactical Team Award
  5. Advanced Trainfire Package, Maneuver (Unit) – Marksman (Year 1)
  6. Section Life-Firing (Unit) – Marksman (Year 2)

Memorable Events:

  1. BMT SIT Test , many fell out cos of the heat. But my team pulled though with 1st successful mission accomplishment led by me. (as screwed up as SAF to be, I wasn’t choosen to be an officer at that time, though I was thankful later)
  2. BMT 24km Graduation route march (with OC LTA Luqman)
  3. Sispec 32km Graduation route RUN (with OC WO Philip Kang)
  4. Inter-formation waterpolo season 2004 (pushed up 1 placing frm last year, 7th)
  5. Army Open House (AOH) 2004 – Creative commitee (flash intro opening & map design)
  6. AOH 2004 – Roadshow Launch Public Presentation
  7. AOH 2004 – Chief Army Photographer
  8. Army Half Marathon (AHM) 2004 – Designed & help built the armour waterpoint, including 4 wooden prop Bionixes as tables.
  9. Armour Route Relay (ARR) 2005 AHQ/ATC (pushed up 1 placing frm last year, 6th)
  10. Designed my Battalion’s logo- ATW PUNCH THROUGH


Prowler Guard

  1. BMT – 1 (weekend)
  2. Sispec – 1 (weekend)
  3. Sugei Gudong – 1 (weekday)

Guard 3IC

  1. Sugei Gudong – 2 (weekday)

Wing Orderly Sergeant

  1. Approx 5-8 duties

Thats all folks! Bye SAF! Take care everyone in the army, train safely!


  1. lol.. nice one..
    looking back, it has been a bittersweet experience.. two years plus is a long time but then again the bottomline was that something was learned and felt..


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