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Thursday, October 24, 2024
HomeBlogThoughtsThe power of dreams

The power of dreams

I just have to get this on my blog, its just so.. real… I had a weird dream on friday, not like your average nightmare, but something worth marvelling about. Its a about meeting this girl by the name of Sherwin or Sherene or sort. I was enrolled in Singapore Poly, DME (diploma on mechcanical engineering), a possible option I would choose to further my studies instead of going overseas (expensive) later this year. I can faintly remember it was love at first sight, she was the kind I like english speaking/educated, pretty, cheerful, sporty type who just loves to spend time with her boyfriend, even during breaks & after class. Awww…… 😆 (I will just cut the details here)

What I know about dreams scientifically is that they are usually based on real life encounters for the day or so, or sort of a mental “recall”. However, I had not met anyone called Sherene or so from god knows when! The funny things in dreams is that I get to do things logically & make effective decisions, though I have no control over it, its like watch a movie without any play controls. Moreover, it the kind which just makes you ponder on the dream for awhile the moment you wake up, & like hey why did I choose that? Would I do that if I had the control or in real ife? Though there are exceptions & there are people who actually dream about the future & so, not to mention the ever popular deja-vu feeling you get from your dreams…

*sigh* I wonder when would I ever get to meet her again…

*jumps back to bed*

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  1. I’ve a dream a few days ago about a girl too. If you check out my blog, there’s this girl called Lo3 who’s been posting comments. Her brother is my bro’s best friend and we sorta know each other since young. I met her again for over a decade at my bro’s wedding. But this dream isn’t pleasant at all, it started off with me and her talking on the phone and we’re sorta like not letting anyone know we’re together (it’s not that we’re together in reality), and when her bro picked up the phone, we both kept quiet and later we heard him say don’t think I don’t know what both of you are doing, in a very fierce manner. Then I woke up in despair…


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