- Da box
- The main unit
- The main items
- Piak Piak!
- Score close up
- Invincible prodigy cupboard!
- Phantomplate wonders
- Resting at Genting
- Tons of stuff @ the first world building.
- Overlooking Petronas!
- Anakin & Obi-wan fight scene
- Full CG environments
- Darth Vader in making
- Darth Saber
- Mr B at GV Grand
- In the Cinema
- Face off!
- SP orientation 2005
- SP Flag Day
- John booby!
- Campmates, jeremy
- Old ATW
- Break at macs
- On the Bus
- A full tin end of the day!
- school's out!
- Argh no thermoscan!
- Bowling at guild
- $5 for 3 games
- Tutorial class
- Got break? go bowl!
- Cosmic bowl
- PC show 2005
- Bloggers.sg shirt design
- ThermoFluids?
- SP's Engineering Territory
- Track & Field
- After training, Mrt home at 8pm
- Line Dancing
- Cold storage's cold selection
- Ikea
- Dinner at granny's
- Driver for the day
- WCRC pool
- Helpin" out!
- Off to camp, off the camp one last time!
- ORD Loh!