Home / Photos / Places / Canada / Canada Vancouver 1994 39
One of my favorite cities in the world, Vancouver! Vancouver will always be one of my favorite places in the world. Whether it's the friendly people, the city or the magnificent alpine snow capped mountains, it's simply a melting pot of everything you can wish for in a world class city!

- Hello Canada, howdy Vancouver!
- nothing beats jatlag with starbucks!
- and it's dad approved!
- you got to check out Vancouver for yourself
- it's a great place!
- where are we again?
- We won't get a shortage of totem pole here!
- Mmmm totem....
- here we see green on green!
- and we have company!
- countrysides are aplenty here
- domy thingy we call the Bloedel conservatory check!
- all laid back and cool!
- Here we are at the Capilano suspension bridge
- so as the sign says!
- and this one too!
- on the bridge we go!
- everybody's on suspense on a suspension bridge!
- we have nice water flowy thingies by the sides
- Sheena's lovin' it!
- I am a little cool girl on the bridge!
- Now shaun will take the camera
- stop shaking the bridge!
- journey to the west?
- A cable car ride later and oh look snow!
- The native snowmen are usually quiet here, anyway meet Mr snowy!
- you gotta love the firs around the area
- the camera's straight by the ski slope isn't!
- Mommy can I take this ice cream home?
- From the tracks, I think a yeti just came by here
- Quick get behing the snow fort!
- ejection ski slide!
- daddy love big snow capped mountains!
- mommy there is a big scary mountain behind me!
- who says we need snow shoes?
- This should get us up the summit in no time!
- Forget the toy bulldozer mom, I found an alternative!
- Guest meet snowy. Snowy, guest!
- All together with snowy!